Formation Placenta Rituals
Each Placenta is unique and different, it is a universe charged with emotions, energies and Ancestral information, for this reason each one comes with a special mission, and with a meaning that most of the time is revealed to the Mother in her feeling and the wisdom that comes to her, or in the Reading that the Placental Guardian can do.
That is where the Rituals play a very important role because through them emotions, feelings, ancestral lines are harmonized, the relationship between mother and her Maternal Lineage, situations that may be in each one from childhood are healed.

Lina Tabares
Fundadora Escuela Mística de Saberes Maternos
Placenta Rituals
LEARN 4 Placental Rituals:
- Ritual of Sowing Placenta according to the Lunar Cycle
- Ritual of Forgotten Placentas
- Ritual Soul Fusion Ritual – Baby and Placenta(special for gestational/perinatal losses)
- Ritual Healing Ritual and Honor the Maternal Lineage
- Origin and spiritual meaning of each Ritual.
- Elements that accompany each Ritual.
- Power Plants, Body Fluids.
- Herbs, Flowers and Quartz.
- Special Masterclass LUNAR WISDOM.
- Unlimited recording of each Meeting.
- PDF with the memories of each Ritual and Masterclass.
- 6 Zoom meetings deferred of approximately 2 hours.
- Initiation Ceremony and Certificate.
Honoring your Path as Placental Guardian, Ritualizing life, Ritualizing the sacred

Guiado por Lina Tabares
Soy Mujer Mística, Bruja, Maga Blanca, Guardiana de Nacimiento, de Útero y Placenta, Doula Ancestral, Maestra y Hermana de Ceremonias, guiando, enseñando y acompañando Rituales de Gestación, Placentarios, de vida y Renaceres, especialista en Talasoterapia y sabiduría de la Madre Mar, Terapeuta en Sanación de memorias uterinas y líneas ancestrales, Educadora Waldorf de primera infancia. Y en este plano terrenal haciendo honor al llamado que tuve hace 2 años a la Partería, formándome y nutriéndome para ser Partera Ancestral y Comunitaria.
Cristina López, España.
Laura García, Colombia.Testimonios Formación Maestras de Ceremonias y Rituales
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