Formation Gestation Rituals

The Gestation Rituals are rituals of spiritual and almic connection with each baby who chooses his parents from the Subtle Worlds, since ancient times it was the way each community and each woman was prepared to receive the soul of that spiritual being who chose his way back to the earthly plane, the Gestation Rituals are the way to integrate and consecrate ourselves in mind body and spirit for the Sacred Prenatal Triad Mom, Baby and Placenta.


Picture of Lina Tabares

Lina Tabares

Fundadora Escuela Mística de Saberes Maternos

$ 360,00

Gestation Rituals


¿What you will learn?

  • Rahim Ritual: Consecration of the Uterus (Preconception and from week 6)
  • Jiwa Ritual: Baby Soul Recognition (From week 25)
  • Ritual Integrasi: Integration of the 5 elements (From week 27)
  • Parturisi Ritual: Preparation for Childbirth (From week 35)

¿What you will know?

  • Origin and spiritual meaning of each Ritual
  • Ideal or indicated time to perform each Ritual (Month of Gestation) (Moment of Life) (Energy of the Placenta).
  • Elements that accompany the Ritual, Power Plants, Body Fluids, Herbs and Flowers with their meaning, stones or quartz.
  • The quantum and spiritual meaning of each stone or quartz, its power over each Ritual.
  • Intention and purpose of each Ritual.

¿What’s included? This SPECIAL EDITION includes


  • Unlimited recording of each meeting.
  • PDF with the memories of each Ritual.
  • 6 meetings deferred of approximately 2 hours.
  • Initiation and Certificate Ceremony


Author picture

Guiado por Lina Tabares

Soy Mujer MísticaBrujaMaga BlancaGuardiana de Nacimientode Útero y PlacentaDoula AncestralMaestra y Hermana de Ceremonias, guiando, enseñando y acompañando Rituales de GestaciónPlacentarios, de vida y Renaceres, especialista en Talasoterapia y sabiduría de la Madre Mar, Terapeuta en Sanación de memorias uterinas y líneas ancestrales, Educadora Waldorf de primera infancia. Y en este plano terrenal haciendo honor al llamado que tuve hace 2 años a la Partería, formándome y nutriéndome para ser Partera Ancestral y Comunitaria.


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